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Canadian Citizenship Services at Prestige Law, Ontario

Are you looking to become a Canadian citizen? Prestige Law in Ontario offers expert legal services to help you navigate the process with ease. Our team of experienced citizenship lawyers is dedicated to assisting you in achieving your goal of Canadian citizenship.

Understanding Canadian Citizenship

Under the Citizenship Act, individuals can become Canadian citizens through various means. Here’s a breakdown of the key criteria and application process:

Criteria for Citizenship:

Born in Canada:

Individuals born in Canada after February 14, 1977, are automatically Canadian citizens.

Born Outside Canada:

Individuals born outside Canada after February 14, 1977, can be citizens if at least one parent was born in Canada or is a naturalised Canadian citizen.

Special Cases:

Some individuals born in Canada before February 14, 1977, or born outside Canada to a Canadian citizen parent before February 14, 1977, may also be citizens. Those who lost their Canadian citizenship in the past may also be eligible.

Application Process:

To apply for Canadian citizenship, individuals must submit a paper-based application, as online applications are not yet available.

Applicants must demonstrate sufficient physical presence in Canada and an intention to continue residing in the country.

Those aged 14 to 64 must also show proficiency in English or French and pass a citizenship test covering Canada’s political system, history, and geography.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must have lived in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 4 years (1,460 days) within the 6 years before applying.

They must also be physically present in Canada for at least 183 days in each of the 4 calendar years.

Applicants must have filed Canadian income tax returns for at least 4 years within the last six years and declare their intention to reside in Canada.

Children’s Citizenship:

Children under 18, who are permanent residents and have a parent (or legal guardian) who is either a Canadian citizen or applying for citizenship, are exempt from the residency requirement.

Dual Citizenship and Surrendering Foreign Citizenship:

Canada allows dual citizenship, but individuals should check the requirements of their other country of citizenship, as some countries do not permit it. Surrendering foreign citizenship may be required.

Our Canadian Citizenship Services:

Citizenship Eligibility Assessment:

We assess your eligibility for Canadian citizenship and provide guidance on the requirements.

Citizenship Application Assistance:

We assist you in completing and submitting your citizenship application accurately and on time.

Citizenship Test Preparation:

We provide resources and guidance to help you prepare for the Canadian citizenship test.

Citizenship Interview Preparation:

We offer support and preparation for the citizenship interview, ensuring you are fully prepared.

Citizenship Ceremony Assistance:

We guide you through the citizenship ceremony process, making it a smooth and memorable experience.

Why Choose Prestige Law for Your Canadian Citizenship Needs?


With years of experience in Canadian immigration law, our team has the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the citizenship process.

Personalised Service:

We understand that every client is unique, so we provide personalised solutions tailored to your specific needs.


Our streamlined process ensures that your citizenship application is handled efficiently and effectively.

From start to finish, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

At Prestige Law, we are committed to helping you achieve your dream of Canadian citizenship. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our citizenship lawyers and take the first step towards becoming a Canadian citizen.

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